
Explore My News,
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God’s awesome, which means following God is awesome. But “awesome” doesn’t mean “constant rosy circumstances.”

I guarantee everyone reading this has a favorite story, which shows the hero being brought low before rising up higher than ever before. This is because it reflects the greatest story of all, of the King of the universe being brutally murdered by His own people before rising up from the grave and being seated at the Father’s right hand.

This year so far has been a wild ride of highs and lows and twists that have left no room for smooth sailing. It has been anything but easy, but without the hard times it wouldn’t be as rewarding as it has been.

I entered 2021 with the bulk of the Bold Acts team (pst, go check them out Every time I think of that week I have to smile, but at the time it was painful to know it was the last time I would see them before leaving for the World Race. I’m still young enough to feel as though eleven months is forever. But it was that pain that reminded me how blessed I am to have lived with such an incredible community for so long.

A week later it was time for Launch 2.0. On the morning of my flight the last thing I wanted was to step onto that plane. But my incredible Mom somehow convinced me to at least show up to Launch. Being reunited with I Squad was a ton of fun, and I was reminded of an invaluable lesson: that obeying God is not a burden but an opportunity.

Then we arrived at our first ministry, in Guatemala. I’ve already written a couple blogs about it, but in short it was perhaps the most miserable season of my life. I felt separated from and abandoned by God. But it was that feeling of aloneness that has given me a new appreciation for Christ’s sacrifice and love for me.

Then I got a message from my sister informing me that she’s entering a very serious relationship with a guy, which let’s be honest is the last thing a big brother wants to hear when he’s thousands of miles away (no I didn’t almost jump on a plane back home in order to lock her in her room and walk into his house with a shotgun, what’re you talking about?) He’s a solid guy and I’m excited for both of them, but it is disappointing to not be able to watch my little baby sister enter this new phase in her life. But that just makes it more exciting when I go home and am reunited with her.

Then my ear decided to go deaf (again, I’ve written a blog on this already so go check it out), creating a lot of headaches and general inconvenience in my life. But since then I’ve been able to share the story of God healing me, which has blessed and encouraged scores of people.

And now my aforementioned incredible Mom has brain cancer. I miss her, and all I want to do is go home and give her a hug. But God knew where He wanted me to be during this time. I’m getting to serve the people in the region of the world where Mom grew up, and she knows I’m doing what He’s asked of me which gives her joy. And I’m surrounded by a new community now praying for her who otherwise wouldn’t even know she existed.

And while less significant than the others but most recent, it took me about ninety minutes to write the first draft of this blog. And as I tried sharing it I lost it all. As a writer there is nothing more discouraging for me than lost work. But when I first started writing it I asked God to formulate it however He wants, and in His sovereignty this is what we ended up with, which means this is the objectively better version.

Whether you choose to follow God or not, there will be hard and difficult times, but you have the option of going through them with a Father who loves you. Lean on Him. He carried your cross up Mount Calvary for you, and He won’t let your current burdens crush you either.


14 responses to “There Are Blessings in the Hard Times”

  1. Oh boy. This is so good. Its an incredible honor to know you, Josiah. You’re a powerful man of God that I’m thankful to call my brother. Thanks for writing with grace and eloquence EVERY TIME. You rock, dude!!!

  2. Your perspective and faith are so encouraging. So much love for you brother!

  3. I’m hopping in with your other sisters in being INCREDIBLY proud of you. It’s a joy to know and be known by you. You’ve discovered the world’s best kept secret- and you’re shouting it from the rooftops! Keep on, brother!

  4. I’m so proud of you broski, dealing with all these highs and lows!!!!! Praying for you lots and lots and love you dearly!!!!

  5. josiah…so proud of you, precious son of the Most High God. i am praying for you and your family. you are precious to us. loved reading your post.

  6. Awesome blog, Josiah! You are going through a tough time hearing about mom having cancer and you’re thousands of miles away. But both mom and I, and God, want you right where you are, service Him. Service God sometimes (if not always) requires sacrifices, but as you said, Jesus made the sacrifice for us so we in turn can sacrifice in serve Him. It is an awesome service to God! Praying for you!

  7. Josiah your such a blessing full of His spirit. Thank you for sharing a powerful testimony of things you have endured only through Christ Jesus, with God All things are possible, keep trusting in His word, and holding on to God’s unchanging Hand. Your a wonderful young man who’s faith is strong in the Lord, and Loves his Mom and family. God’s got everything in control he don’t make mistakes, stay strong Josiah in the power of His might

  8. Josiah, I love your mom’s heart! She encouraged you and look at you being a blessing to your team, the people in the countries where you guys are ministering but mostly you are glorifying our Lord!

  9. Josiah, It is so exciting to hear these things you are experiencing. I know that your life will be enriched forever by them and that God is molding your events and happenings as He works through your life. I am praying for your family through these times, and I pray that you are kept safe and led by Christ continuously.

  10. I am so thankful for you!! You will always be my brother. I am glad you gave the race a second chance!! Love you

  11. Your persistence within the hardship is so inspiring bro!!!!! It takes true character that God has developed in someone to see the light in all this hardship, which says so much about who you are!!!! We love you bro, keep pushing and growing in this hard time, God’s got you every step of the way!!!

  12. Writing with purpose and fire! Your writing clearly shows the heart of Christ and your journey. Thank you for your words steeped with truth and authenticity.