
Explore My News,
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Several people have asked me to share a little about myself and my life story on this blog, so in answer to that here are 25 random facts about me in no particular order:

1. I am the third of five children. I have two older brothers and two younger sisters, and am the only one of us who doesn’t have red hair.

2. I have spent a fair amount of time pondering on whether or not “y’all” is an acceptable word in the English language, and have come to the conclusion that yes, it very much is.

3. Traditional hymns make up my favorite music genre.

4. The quickest way to become my best friend is to find a topic we disagree on and respectfully debate it for hours.

5. I have no idea if I’m an introvert or extrovert. Hanging out with people too much will leave me either drained of all energy or ready to conquer the world.

6. My favorite book in the New Testament is Ephesians and my favorite Old Testament book is Amos.

7. I am terrified of being in water or having it get on my face.

8. If there is a break in conversation in a group setting, I will likely ask a random person to share their deepest, darkest secret.

9. I pronounce the “L” in the words “talk,” “talking,” and “walking,” but not “walk.”

10. I kinda like the smell of skunk. It’s actually one of my favorite scents.

11. I love to write stories, but generally I find reading to be boring.

12. That being said, my favorite book is The Silmarillion by J.R.R. Tolkien and I have read it over twenty times.

13. I have an inexplicable hatred for coffee.

14. No matter how warm it is I refuse to wear shorts.

15. Despite working in a meat market and having done some fairly rugged survival camps, I still have no idea how to sharpen a knife.

16. I own a pair of cowboy boots and hat, which I am very proud of.

17. I am part of the 1% of the world’s population whose hands are cross-dominant (meaning I do some tasks with my right hand and others with my left).

18. I am a descendant of Benjamin Franklin’s abusive older brother James.

19. I am also related to General Joseph “Vinegar Joe” Stilwell, who commanded U.S. military forces in southeast Asia during World War Two.

20. I have pi memorized to the 28th digit.

21. I have eaten guinea pig meat.

22.  One of my hobbies consists of studying worship songs’ lyrics to decide if they are doctrinally correct or not. My conclusion will make me either love or hate that song forever, even if I forget the reasons within a couple of hours.

23. I kicked a cup of tea across the room before I was born.

24. I have climbed up the wall of a pre-Inca fortress in Peru.

25. Missions apparently runs in my family. My maternal grandparents used to be missionaries in Central America, and my paternal grandparents are currently missionaries in Peru, along with my aunt and three uncles and their families.

Next post will be me sharing what God has taught me through the World Race. It’s already broken me and I haven’t even begun the adventure less. Thanks everyone for your prayers and support. God bless y’all.

8 responses to “25 Random Facts about Me”

  1. Hi Josiah,
    You are a very interesting person and I enjoyed learning that from your 25 random facts. I have never read The Silamarillion by J. R. R. Tolkien, but I plan to read it this summer because you liked it so much you’ve read it over 20 times. I pray your mission trip is all you hope it to be.

  2. Hi Josiah,
    You are a very interesting person and I enjoyed learning that from your 25 random facts. I have never read The Silamarillion by J. R. R. Tolkien, but I plan to read it this summer because you liked it so much you’ve read it over 20 times. I pray your mission trip is all you hope it to be.

  3. Thanks for the support! The Silmarillion isn’t for everyone but for nerds it’s awesome.

  4. I enjoyed reading your list and had tolaugh at some of your comments about yourself. I look forward to your next post. Yes we are praying for your health etc. during this 11 month trip. We will see things you can not believe, you it will stir your heart for those who have no or very little hope.

  5. Hi Josiah! So glad the Holy Spirit stirred your heart to participate in this missions trip. I think it will be an awesome glory to God and time for you. I’m sure He will open so many doors for you during 2020!

    I also think it is super awesome that your favorite scent is skunk. Our oldest daughter loves the petting zoo at Blank Park Zoo. Not because she likes the animals so much, but because her favorite smell is “barnyard.” So, just another testament to God’s creativity in making us each unique. HAHA.

    I’m thankful your mom shared your blog with us. Looking forward to hearing all about your travels and how God is using you through this trip to reach people for Him. God Bless!